

how to back Irish jigs

How To Back Jigs – Irish Strumming Technique

In this lesson, we learn how to back jigs with the ‘double-down’ strumming technique. This is a follow on lesson from the previous jig strumming tutorial. Click the orange ‘Previous’ button below to watch that. Next you can try this stumming patter in an actual jig. Here are plenty of jigs to keep you going! Click HERE

how to play jigs rhythm strum

How To Accompany Irish Music – Traditional Jig Strumming

In this lesson, we cover how to accompany Irish music using a traditional jig strumming pattern. Firstly we learn the “double down” stum, then we practice it at various tempos. Then we move on to emphasizing different beats within the strum to get a groove going. Finally, we practice that strum to a tune. The